By blending core academic subjects with custom classes for high school students, we have built an exceptional learning environment. The requirements of the New York State Education Department form the core of the curriculum at The Beekman School and The Tutoring School. We strongly encourage students to exceed these requirements whenever possible, especially in the areas of mathematics, the sciences, and humanities. In addition to core classes, our faculty has developed interesting and challenging elective courses that support a custom education. These classes broaden students’ knowledge in areas such as philosophy, mathematics, political science, and computer technology.
By offering individualized high school courses, we help students to see traditional subjects in new ways. Students who are interested in the fine arts can take creative writing, photography, or drawing. Courses such as video production and web design are also popular choices. With flexible class scheduling, students can even receive credit for studying music, dance, or art through various approved programs around New York City.
The average class size at The Beekman School is 7 students, with a maximum of 10. Class periods are 45 minutes, with some electives taught in double block periods. A variety of after-school activities are also offered, including student council, yearbook, and volunteer programs.
Personalized and Flexible Class Schedules at Beekman
Each semester, our advisors guide students in creating personalized and flexible class schedules. Students choose their classes through reviewing and discussing descriptions of one-semester and full-year courses. Several course levels are offered, including college preparatory and accelerated high school programs. Class level and prerequisites should be considered during course selection. Students are also asked to make alternate choices, since total enrollment may dictate if a course will be offered.