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Discover The Benefits of Blended Learning at The Beekman School

Blended learning is an education program that combines the use of technology and digital media with traditional classroom methods. Blended learning allows students more control over the path and pace of their learning. At The Beekman School, certain teachers use academic blended learning systems to decipher which areas students are excelling in and areas where students may need improvements. This personalized learning system not only allows students to learn in an environment that is right for them, but it also gives teachers the tools to monitor their students progress closely.  

Students at The Beekman School have the opportunity to use technology at home as a homework assistant. They use educational apps and online Quizlets to get the guidance they need while preparing for upcoming tests and reports. Blended learning tools, whether it's in-class discussions or digital media applications, allow the students to have control over their learning style and pace. Students who grasp the current material can move on to more complicated problems, while students who need more study can spend more time reviewing the material.

Personalized Education Through Blended Learning Classrooms

In addition to using blended learning tools on their own at home, each student uses an iPad for note-taking and in-class discussions. Teachers use interactive, web-enabled SmartBoards (as well as digital study guides) to engage students in asking and answering questions, which stimulates critical thinking.

At Beekman, we utilize ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces), an online program that breaks topics into smaller segments. ALEKS offers students an explanation for each subject that they are studying, as well as immediate feedback from their teachers for any questions they may have. Our online blended learning programs incorporate a robust social component to learning when teachers have more opportunities to engage students in in-depth explanations and extensions of topics.

The Blended Learning Approach Prepares Students for Life Beyond High School

The Beekman School is designed to help transition students into a college environment and the world beyond so that, when students move on to college, they can be proactive in their learning. Beekman’s educational environment mirrors the college campus experience and helps prepare our students to transition from high school to the college classroom. Blended learning is an essential step for students to recognize which topics they need to work on and which available tools they will utilize to improve their skills - in college and in their lives.

We invite young men and women of all backgrounds to join our stimulating center for learning. Learn more about our private school's application and admission process here.