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Deborah Adams Doering (BA, Studio Art, Wheaton College;  MA, Philosophy/Theology, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago;  MFA, Art & Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago) has taught Art, Humanities, and Technology classes at the Beekman School and the Beekman Tutoring School since 2014. She has assisted Beekman's English Department with the Beekman Chirp (Student Art & Literature Magazine). Before teaching at Beekman, Deborah owned and managed a graphic design firm in Chicago for over 15 years, and concurrently taught a wide variety of art and humanities courses for all ages, from elementary to post-graduate. Deborah is a practicing visual artist whose work is included in private and public collections, including the Art Institute of Chicago; she was awarded a US patent on a unique sculptural process in 2012.