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Helping Students with Auditory Processing Disorder

Students who need help with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) have difficulty understanding what they hear because of the way their brains process sounds. Though they do not have a hearing problem, they may miss words in a sentence or have trouble interpreting the meaning of conversations. Some students struggle to recall what they’ve already learned through oral instruction or verbal directions. Parents often look for Auditory Processing Disorder schools where students can improve their educational performance and be comfortable participating in the classroom.

APD Support in High School

It’s important for learners to attend a high school that understands how APD affects students. At Beekman, we recognize the disorder’s challenges and offer classroom accommodations that allow students to build on their strengths. We share APD support, working with each individual’s learning style and pace. Our small class sizes help students who are distracted by background noise, which makes it hard for them to identify word differences. Beekman also offers APD tutoring opportunities for learners who need help with language and writing courses or who struggle with following oral directions. Our goal is to ensure that students with learning difficulties have the chance to demonstrate their knowledge, progress in their learning, and achieve greater success.

A High School With APD Education Options

Our experienced staff is sensitive to the needs of students with educational challenges. Beekman understands that Auditory Processing Disorder education options can be beneficial to some types of learners. These options include giving a student extra time for testing or providing optimal seating in the classroom. Visual aids can also benefit the student who has auditory processing and auditory memory problems. Additionally, students with APD have the flexibility to transition between Beekman and Tutoring School classes. This ensures that APD educational resources are available to those who need support in processing oral information at school.