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Preparing for College

What does college preparation mean?

Quite simply, it’s being ready to embrace and succeed with the rigors of college by the time you receive your diploma.  That is a four-year process that requires focus, discipline, and planning.  Many students are unsure of how to prepare for college in high school


When should you start preparing for college?

College Preparation: Within and Beyond the Academics

College preparation is more than just the classes you take and the grades you earn. Undeniably, the choice of college prep classes for high school students has a great impact on both the admission outcomes and your academic success in college. However, there are other important, non-academic aspects of the college-readiness process that are key for making college a success. The years spent in secondary school are also the perfect time for exploring your strengths and passions and turning them into objectives.

Just Say "Hi"

The one piece of advice I have for college-bound seniors is simple: just say "hi."

The actual effort used in saying hi is minimal, but the confidence conveyed in the utterance is immense. Confidence is attractive and saying hi is friendly, so the two together help you gain the positive attention that you seek from those around you.

Say hi to your professors.

Six Future Career Paths for which a Bachelor’s in History Will Prepare You

During Junior year of high school, students stress out over their grades because they know colleges will be judging them. Senior year, students stress out over the application process and its deadlines. All this stress to get into college is so that they can have more opportunities that will lead to successful lives. If you are a college-bound senior, you have time to figure out your life’s path – and even time to make mistakes – but that doesn’t mean you can’t give yourself some direction as well.

Now That You’ve Decided to Take an AP Exam

While going about how to register for the AP exam, people tend to put off finding a place where they can take the them until the last minute--and that's the worst thing you could do, especially in a place like New York!  Unlike the SAT or ACT, there is no online AP test registration and there are no test centers set up specifically for these exams.  It’s left up to each school to allow (or deny) students who wish to test with them.  I always recommend the following:

Deciding Whether or Not to Take AP Exams

As parents and their children worry more and more about how hard it is to get into college, they look for additional opportunities to distinguish themselves from the rest.  Advanced Placement courses and exams have become one of those things high school juniors and seniors take to show that they are competitive.  Every year, however, I field inquiries from frantic parents who are looking for a tutor or a place for their child to take these AP exams, in large part because “that’s what everyone does.”  Befo


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