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Were You Swept Out During Spring Cleaning?

Authored By
George Higgins, Headmaster

I love springtime.  Having successfully shoveled my way through yet another winter at Beekman, I look forward to the budding trees outside of my office window and the sunlight that fills our garden.

With the appearance of spring, however, I know to expect something more than the return of longer, warmer days.  I’m also going to witness a yearly event that leaves numerous parents and students of schools throughout the region stunned.  After spending most of the academic year looking forward to June and summer vacation, you are informed that your prep school is asking you to withdraw, and they are not inviting you to return in September!

Panicked, parents and students contact me desperately trying to salvage their academic year and save their summer vacation plans.  Luckily, Beekman provides the solution.

The Beekman School, established in 1925, has been the answer to a countless array of educational needs that arise throughout the school year.  Review our website to discover the virtually limitless possibilities that exist at one of the top private schools in NYC.

Whether you need our summer school, our Tutoring School, or The Beekman School program, New York City private school students have available to them an environment that is accommodating, welcoming, and academically challenging as they prepare themselves for a college education.

Please contact us so we can discuss a solution to your education needs.