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Beekman Reviews

The Beekman School reviews

"The Beekman School is direct in its management, academics, in or out of school activities, personal interaction, and importantly, the quality of its staff. As innovation facilitates our lives, it is in the same way The Beekman School juxtaposes its genuine state-of-the-art humanitarian approach. It is a school that has evolved, and hasn't lost its refined moral workmanship towards one another. It possesses a true quality education, academically with a deep sense of value."


"The Beekman School quickly brought out the best in my daughter. My teenager was suddenly enthusiastic about her projects, studying for her tests. She was communicating directly with her teachers and learning how to navigate her life as well as her academics. My daughter felt a good connection to her teachers. She met peers similar to and different from herself. The school work was challenging, but not oppressive. The program was very flexible and adaptable. The school atmosphere is friendly. My daughter said it felt like a family. The Beekman School was the first time my daughter has liked school since 4th grade!! Beekman helped put the sparkle back into her eyes. And the Physics course she took at Beekman changed the way she sees the world."


"The Beekman School is a godsend! The teachers are excellent and caring, and the communication between parent/teacher is consistent. The school's administration staff is always pleasant and willing answer any questions you may have. The best part of Beekman is the small class size. No child falls behind without notice, and help is always available. Overall, this private high school is one of the best New York City has to offer."


"My daughter is enjoying school again, for the first time since elementary school. Her true enjoyment of learning is being rekindled by your wonderful teachers and the stimulating assignments she is receiving. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for providing the kind of school atmosphere that is inspiring my daughter to thrive. I am sure parents have told you before that Beekman is a special place. I am very grateful to you for running this school and very respectful of the results your school is encouraging my daughter to reach."


"As a teacher, the most poignant advice I’ve received is that, although I’m teaching history, I must remember that I’m really teaching students. The Beekman School has afforded me the opportunity to do just that. The small class size translates to knowing each student as an individual comprised of different strengths, weaknesses, and interests. This knowledge allows me to transcend the ordinary bounds of teaching to become a mentor to my students."


"I first discovered The Beekman School in 2005 when my older son had left a boarding school that was not a good fit, and we found ourselves looking for a school for his senior year, not an easy task. Arriving at our appointment, Headmaster George Higgins immediately made us feel comfortable, and was most encouraging. Under his direction the application process was easy, and the transition smooth. My son soon found himself with wonderful teachers who were eager to bring out his strengths, and as his confidence grew, he quickly began earning the best grades of his life. The very small class sizes were ideal in helping him to focus, and if extra support was needed, The Tutoring School within Beekman was right there to help. He also quickly made friends, finding the other Beekman students lively and diverse, friendly and caring. He still keeps in touch with many of them. He had an amazing senior year, and only wished he had been able to benefit from all four years at Beekman. Several years later, my younger son was experiencing some reading comprehension challenges, and although passing, was struggling at his school. There was also some teasing going on. I called George Higgins again, and he welcomed us warmly, as returning family members. My younger son started Beekman in his sophomore year, and to our delight, many of the teachers are still there, all these years later. Having always been a good math student, my son quickly started to receive top grades in Algebra and Physics, and for the first time did well in English and History, challenging subjects for him before. The individual attention Beekman offers has made him blossom, and he has been an Honor Roll student. He has made many friends, and there is no teasing. He is part of Student Government, and loves going to school. I couldn't be more grateful to George Higgins and the dedicated teachers of The Beekman School, for giving both my sons such an excellent and enjoyable high school experience."


"Our son entered Beekman in 10th grade. He left behind a school without leadership, uniformly substandard, uncaring teachers (many of which are still there) and found the total opposite at Beekman. My son's old math teacher made him feel dumb and incapable of grasping Geometry, but he consistently achieves A's in every math class at Beekman, regaining his mojo. Similar transformation in science where he does extremely well even in Chemistry. Same story in his other subjects. No school is perfect and Beekman does lack extracurriculars [...]. The bottom line however, is that he is being academically challenged and well-prepared for the next step."


"[My daughter] would not be where she is now if Beekman hadn't provided the means for her to get back on track, and I'm so grateful for the school and the people who work there!"


"The skills, flexibility, and compassion of the staff at Beekman makes it a very unusual school.  It has helped inspire my son to work for his future goals."


"My Beekman experience has been transformative.  It has empowered me with the fundamentals to pursue my college education, my career, and my life goals.  I will be forever indebted to all of you… [The things] I learned at Beekman that will be with me for the rest of my life:  
- I learned that patience was the key to achieving success.  
- I learned that a teacher’s enthusiasm and passion is contagious and that teachers can make classes you might not like at first be much more interesting and meaningful.  
- Last but not least, I learned that in order to enjoy the life you’re living, you have to enjoy what you do every day.  
Four years at Beekman have changed my life completely, giving me the confidence needed to face any challenge, ready to start my new future."

The Tutoring School reviews

"The Beekman School provided amazing acceleration and enrichment opportunities for my son in his areas of interest via their Tutoring School. I was thrilled with the quality of instruction my son received in math (including Calculus),Chemistry lab, and English--the three subjects he studied at Beekman. He was able to move at his own pace and to have meaningful discussions about course content with his instructors. They respected his individuality and utilized a variety of learning-styles! He loved and looked forward to going to every class at Beekman. FYI, The Beekman School was willing to teach him Calculus at 10!  We were so impressed with The Beekman School!"


"Beekman provides a specialized and flexible learning environment. My daughter loved the tutorial option in a subject where she needed particular attention."