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individualized learning

How Schools Can Accommodate Different Learning Styles

Authored By
George Higgins, Headmaster

Any seasoned educator will tell you that teachers face many different learning styles in the classroom.  Students vary widely, even when the classrooms are small.  Accommodating different learning styles is a challenge all schools face, but there are adjustments that can be made to help.

How can a school create a flexible schedule and which students benefit from a custom curriculum?

Authored By
George Higgins, Headmaster

Parents and students think of the school day in much the same way everyone thought about it decades ago.  Classes begin early in the morning and students finish in the mid-afternoon.  While this plan may work for a majority of students, there are a significant number of students who have difficul

Beekman: Teaching to the Individual

Authored By
The Beekman School

Our national school system, public and private alike, is designed for keeping a group of students as homogeneous as possible.  Even with all of the claims of “teaching to the individual” that a traditional school makes, there has to be a level of keeping everyone in the class at the same pace, le

When Summer School is the Right Choice for You

Authored By
Kara Krauze, Contributing Writer

Here we are, summer around the corner, the sidewalks soon heating up, and dreams of beach vacations approaching.  But wait.  Maybe you’re just realizing your son has fallen behind in that geometry class.  Maybe your daughter needs better language prep in Spanis