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flexible curriculum

How can a school create a flexible schedule and which students benefit from a custom curriculum?

Parents and students think of the school day in much the same way everyone thought about it decades ago.  Classes begin early in the morning and students finish in the mid-afternoon.  While this plan may work for a majority of students, there are a significant number of students who have difficulty with fitting into the traditional school day for a number of reasons.  This is why some schools have developed the ability to create an individualized curriculum.

Something’s Gotta Give: Flexibility vs. Academics

Every student is unique. We know this better than anyone and we’ve spent the last nine decades making it possible for this uniqueness to complement a top-quality education. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds, with their specific ways of learning, particular interests, and distinct aspirations. This individuality is celebrated by the flexibility and the choices they are able to make for themselves at Beekman.

What Does Personalized Learning Mean at Beekman?

From an infant’s first days, parents make choices for their child representing the family’s values and interests – taking into consideration the child’s own personality.  And yet when children enter school, we relinquish much of this participation.  The child becomes a student.  But now more parents are asserting that education needn’t happen at the expense of individuality.

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