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New York City private schools

What Makes a Private High School the “Best"?

Try buying a new stereo system and every salesperson will attempt to have you purchase “the best” equipment.  But so many factors go into that decision.  You quickly learn that there is no best stereo, and the more you learn about what’s available, the more you begin to fine-tune your search.  The same is true when you’re trying to find the best NYC private schools.

Finding the Best High School in New York City

Everyone wants the best, naturally. Especially when it comes to education. So how can you find the “best” school?

Let me guess; you started your high school search on the Internet. If you type in a few keywords like “best NYC high schools” or “top Manhattan private high schools,” you probably found a nice list of possible options. But did you really find the best high school for you?

Cheaper and Easier Isn't the Best Plan When Preparing for College

Just as in almost every other field, there is competition among schools.  While we like to take the lofty attitude that we are above that, the reality is that with a limited population and many seats to fill, all schools need to be sensitive to attracting potential new members to their student body.  To do that, a multitude of devices are employed such as attractive tuition fees and weakened curricula--often at the expense of quality of education when the goal is a solid college preparatory program.

Private School Rankings and the High School Myth

Are you starting to look for a school next year?  Just like the college admission game, getting into a private high school in Manhattan can be a strategizing and stressful experience.  Although there isn’t a report like the one U.S. News & World Report publishes so parents can see top ranking schools, there is an unspoken hierarchy passed among parents and other education professionals as to which schools are “the best.”

You’re a Unique Person; We’re a Unique School!

Do you ever feel like you just don’t fit in at your school?  Mean kids, exclusive cliques, lunchroom gossip, bullying in the halls, unfriendly teachers, no one listens to you and no one cares?  Most teenagers feel that way at one time or another, but when the atmosphere at school becomes so oppressive that it’s keeping you from performing at your best, it’s time for a change.

What it Takes to Learn Your Way: Getting To Know You

This post is part of a series inspired by Dream School: NYC, a SundanceTV docu-series that follows 15 New York City teenagers who left high school and are now trying to get back on track to graduate. The Beekman School partnered with the show to help customize the learning experience for the students.

I Love Graduation!

I’ve attended dozens of graduations in my lifetime.  They often follow the same format: a couple of prominent speakers (relative to the audience), a little laughter, a few tears, and graduates who don’t remember much about the ceremony a year, a month, or sometimes even a day after the fact.  Yet every once in a while, there’s a moment that stands out from the rest, ensuring that you’ll carry part of that graduation with you for a long time.

Why Transferring Schools Can Be a Good Thing

When you hear the term “transfer student,” you often think of the new kid in town or the person who’s been asked to leave a school.  But a growing number of parents and students are choosing to follow their instincts and leave their current school voluntarily, going against the advice of friends and school professionals in order to establish a fresh start.


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